“CURSE OF THE ICEMAN” And More True Stories! #WeirdDarkness

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PLEASE SHARE THIS LINK in your social media so others who loves strange and macabre stories can listen too https weirddarkness com curse-of-the-iceman IN THIS EPISODE In 1991 scientists found a perfectly preserved corpse of a man encased in ice and then one by one those scientists died Curse of the Iceman Weirdo family member Joy Smallwood shares a story she calls Dogs They Know Evil Clara Phillips and Madalynne Obenchain are mostly forgotten by history today but in their times they were the most popular psychopaths in L A Los Angeles Favorite Murderesses She wanders the road at night haunting all those who pass We ll take a look at The Bloody Bride of 13 Curves Road Originally aired July 07 2020 SOURCES AND REFERENCES FROM THE EPISODE Curse of the Iceman by April A Taylor for Ranker https tinyurl com ybsnjbbpDogs They Know Evil by Joy Smallwood for Weird DarknessLos Angeles Favorite Murderesses by Robert Wilhelm for Murder By Gaslight https tinyurl com yawxzwzz https tinyurl com yct6yhfgThe Bloody Bride of 13 Curves Road by Jessica Ferri https tinyurl com y7d6vzwl Audrey Webster https tinyurl com w734whf and Jamie Bogert https tinyurl com y93p928f all for The Lineup Visit our Sponsors amp Friends https weirddarkness com sponsorsJoin the Weird Darkness Syndicate https weirddarkness com syndicateAdvertise in the Weird Darkness podcast or syndicated radio show https weirddarkness com advertise Weird Darkness theme by Alibi Music Library Background music provided by Alibi Music Library EpidemicSound and or StoryBlocks with paid license Music from Shadows Symphony https tinyurl com yyrv987t Midnight Syndicate http amzn to 2BYCoXZ Kevin MacLeod https tinyurl com y2v7fgbu Tony Longworth https tinyurl com y2nhnbt7 and Nicolas Gasparini https tinyurl com lnqpfs8 is used with permission of the artists OTHER PODCASTS I HOST Paranormality Magazine https weirddarkness tiny us paranormalitymagMicro Terrors Scary Stories for Kids https weirddarkness tiny us microterrorsRetro Radio Old Time Radio In The Dark https weirddarkness tiny us retroradioChurch of the Undead https weirddarkness tiny us churchoftheundead Over time links seen above may become invalid disappear or have different content I always make sure to give authors credit for the material I use whenever possible If I somehow overlooked doing so for a story or if a credit is incorrect please let me know and I will rectify it in these show notes immediately Some links included above may benefit me financially through qualifying purchases I have come into the world as a light so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness John 12 46 WeirdDarkness is a registered trademark Copyright 2023 Weird Darkness PARTIAL TRANSCRIPT https weirddarkness com curse-of-the-iceman This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network if you are interested in advertising on this podcast contact us at https www spreaker com show 3655291 advertisementClick here to visit this podcast episode

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