David Norec Episode 201

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Exciting news In Episode 201 of the Chew and Ew Podcast we have a special guest David Norec the author of The Adventures of Exo amp Cy This fun kids book is all about staying in shape and avoiding bad food for a healthy lifestyle But that s not all Joining David is Taylor Esparza and together they are on a mission to bring more activity for children in our school system They are dedicated to promoting a healthier and more active lifestyle for our little ones Let s give them a round of applause for their incredible work Tune in to Episode 201 of the Chew and Ew Podcast to learn more about their inspiring journey and how they are making a positive impact on children s health and well-being Don t miss out on this amazing conversation that will motivate and inspire you and your little ones ChewAndEwPodcast HealthyLifestyle ChildrensHealth Inspiration StayActive TheAdventuresOfExoAndCy MakingADifferenceClick here to visit this podcast episode

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