Imperfectly Empowered Ahna Fulmer On the New York City Podcast Network

EP 148: How To Help Your Gifted Child Thrive With Gifted Clinical Psychologist Dr. Andrea Lein

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ABOUT THIS EPISODE Ever wondered what it truly means to be gifted and how it impacts a child apos s life Join us as we welcome Dr Andrea Lein a renowned mental health expert who shares her inspiring journey from a gifted child in a mixed-race low-income family to a leading voice in her field Dr Andrea opens up about her personal battles shedding light on the unique struggles gifted students face across different socio-economic backgrounds We delve into the complexities of defining apos giftedness apos and discuss the disparities in the identification and support of gifted children nationwide JUMP RIGHT TO IT 0 00 Growing up with Andrea14 01 Equipping Parents of Gifted Children22 30 Navigating Social Challenges With Gifted Children33 51 Managing Emotions in Gifted Children43 00 Gifted Children and Perfectionism56 34 Addressing High Achieving Students apos Core Fears1 00 58 Supporting Gifted Children and FamiliesCONNECT WITH ANDREA IG dr andrealeinLinkedIn Andrea Lein PhDWebsite https www andrealein com Revitalize your faith and fitness with a morning routine that does not sacrifice your sleep and does start each day with God s Word and a workout Join the community today at www earlymorninghabit com nbsp Contact The Show Website http www ahnafulmer comYouTube https www youtube com imperfectlyempoweredpodcastInstagram https www instagram com ahnafulmer Facebook https www facebook com ahnadfulmerClick here to visit this podcast episode
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