Episode #30: Part 2 Of 2: Psychics4U.net Online Psychic Magazine Interview W/ Loli Jane Animal Communicator & Healer

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Send us a textPart 2 of 2 Much more detailed interview Interview with Psychic4U online psychic magazine Loli Jane Animal Communicator amp Energy Healer deep dives into the world of animal communication Loli Jane is an International Professional Certified Animal Communicator and Pranic Healer Teacher and Podcaster specializing in telepathic communication and healing animals using an interspecies-therapy approach She offers remote and in-person sessions that address issues like behavioural and emotional issues physical or health problems animal mirroring assistance with end of life decisions help with pet loss grief talking to animals in Spirit that have crossed-over past life regressions help locating lost animals and channelling and spiritual guidance and healing for the humans Loli also combines her animal communication expertise with Pranic Healing to provide remote comprehensive care for animals and their humans Additionally she conducts workshops for aspiring animal communicators teaching them how to connect with animals find root causes and animals needs to resolve issues Explore Loli apos s transformative services and the profound impact of her work in this Psychics4U net interview To book a session go to animals-speak com or animals-speak com or Wanna learn animal communication or mind body spirit classes Join her in her upcoming Classes amp Workshops at mindbodyspiritworkshops com To read article online go to Psychics4U net at https psychics4u net loli-jane-animal-communication Support the showBook a Session at https animals-speak com Workshop Training Classes at https mindbodyspiritworkshops com

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