Episode 73: In Which Denny S. Bryce Time Travels

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In this conversation Nancy Smay interviews Denny S Bryce a traditionally published author of historical fiction They discuss Denny 39 s background as a writer and her passion for craft and research Denny shares her experience as a fan fiction writer and how it led her to join the Romance Writers of America RWA and eventually get an agent They also talk about Denny 39 s process of researching and writing historical fiction including the use of tools like Aeon Timeline and Scrivener Overall the conversation highlights Denny 39 s dedication to her craft and her love for storytelling Denny S Bryce discusses her approach to writing historical fiction and the importance of diverse reading She shares how she got the attention of influential authors and judges through contests and endorsements Bryce explains her approach to historical fiction which includes writing biographical stories and exploring key time periods and events She emphasizes the importance of entertaining readers while also educating them about historical situations and reflecting on present-day issues Bryce also discusses her writing process including outlining researching and revising and encourages readers to explore different genres and diverse voices Click here to visit this podcast episode

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