Dr Dad Podcast On the New York City Podcast Network

How To Get Your Teenager To Have A Balanced Screen Time.

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In today 39 s digital age managing teenagers 39 screen time is a pressing concern for parents and educators With the constant lure of social media gaming and endless entertainment teens are more connected and distracted than ever If you 39 ve wondered how to help your teenager find a healthy balance with their phone usage you 39 re not alone Join us on a transformative journey with the podcast quot Teens and Screen Time Finding Balance quot hosted by the renowned pediatrician Dr Gaurav Nigam Meet Dr Gaurav Nigam Dr Gaurav Nigam is a celebrated expert in child health and development widely respected for his practical advice on modern parenting challenges As the host of the podcast by Dr Dad Dr Nigam combines his medical expertise with a deep understanding of the psychological and emotional dynamics that impact today 39 s youth A central theme of the podcast is understanding why teenagers get hooked on their screens The answer lies in the brain 39 s reward system and a neurotransmitter called dopamine Every time your teenager receives a notification likes a post or levels up in a game their brain releases dopamine This chemical creates pleasure and reinforces the behavior encouraging repetition Dr Nigam delves deep into the science of dopamine hits and how these interactions can lead to addictive behaviors He explains that while dopamine is essential for learning and motivation constant screen stimulation can lead to an imbalance making it difficult for teens to find satisfaction in offline activities Excessive screen time can have numerous negative effects on teenagers including – Sleep Disruption – Mental Health Issues – Decreased Academic Performance – Physical Health Concerns Strategies for Limiting Screen Time 1 Set Clear Boundaries and Expectations Establish clear rules around phone use Dr Nigam suggests creating a family media plan outlining when and where phones can be used such as no phones at the dinner table or after 9 PM 2 Encourage Offline Activities Encourage your teenager to engage in offline activities Dr Nigam recommends finding hobbies that your teen enjoys like sports reading or arts and crafts 3 Model Healthy Behavior Model healthy screen habits Dr Nigam emphasizes setting a good example by limiting your own screen time and being present during family interactions 4 Create Tech-Free Zones Designate tech-free zones in the home For instance keep phones out of bedrooms to promote better sleep hygiene 5 Educate About the Risks and Benefits Educate your teenager about the risks and benefits of screen time Dr Nigam advises having open conversations about how screen time affects their brain and well-being 6 Use Technology to Your Advantage Use technology to limit screen time Numerous apps and built-in phone features can help manage screen time Dr Nigam recommends using these tools to set limits and track usage 7 Foster Real-World Connections Encourage your teenager to build real-world relationships Dr Nigam suggests creating opportunities for social interaction outside of the digital realm such as arranging playdates or participating in group activities The Role of Parents and Caregivers Throughout the podcast Dr Nigam emphasizes the significant role parents and caregivers play in helping teenagers manage their screen time He acknowledges the challenges but stresses the importance of patience consistency and open communication By working together families can create a balanced approach to screen time that supports everyone 39 s health and well-being Click here to visit this podcast episode

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