Rethinking Care PodcastOn the New York City Podcast Network

How To Take Fear With You As You Care For Your Spouse.

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At some point as you help nurse your spouse back to health you may find yourself coming with unsolicited advice about what your loved should or should not do Maybe they aren t eating enough healthy food or not taking the precautions that you think they should be taking You think they should stay home and not be going out to meet people etc Because you are scared for them due to their low immunity We can be scared and fearful on behalf of our loved ones but we can choose to act differently not from fear Because taking action from fear leads to micromanaging other people To be honest no one likes to be micromanaged not even small children We work through our own fears and insecurities first then we can be there for others Resources Download our FREE GUIDE on how to take care of your self first so you can a caregiver to your spouse Support the show https www buymeacoffee com ReThinking

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