Primal King Podcast By Derek Wilson on the New York City Podcast Network

Ian Smith-Never Back Down…

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Ian Smith became known worldwide virtually overnight because of his stance on the lockdowns just a few short years ago While most of the country was hunkering down and waiting on their leaders to tell them what they could do and how they could live Ian took a different path he refused to be locked down Despite numerous fines arrests and becoming a national villain for so many that were on board with the Covid policies Ian made the decision to stay true to his beliefs Some people love him Some people hate him Whatever your thoughts are on Ian it s impossible to argue with his determination and backbone to stay true to what he believes In this episode Derek and Ian dive deep into his story and look at how he made his way through hell and come out the other side If you struggle with sticking to what you believe in and how to stick to your beliefs this is a must listen episode Click here to visit this podcast episode

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