Navigating Life’s Challenges With Psychic Wisdom: An Interview With C

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For this episode of Label Free Podcast host Deanna Radulescu welcomes psychic and intuitive healer C to the show C shares her journey of discovering her psychic abilities from a young age and how she has been practicing for over 20 years She emphasizes that everyone has intuition and her role is to help clients recognize and trust their own intuition C discusses the common reasons clients seek her guidance such as love and money issues and highlights the importance of mindset and taking action to manifest positive outcomes Throughout the conversation C addresses the stigma surrounding psychics and intuitive healers emphasizing that her goal is to provide positive and actionable insights to help clients move forward in a constructive manner She also touches on the challenges of being an empath and offers advice on how to manage and protect one apos s energy C shares success stories where clients have experienced positive shifts after letting go of past relationships or limiting beliefs Listeners are encouraged to visit C apos s website www cpsychicreadings com to learn more about her services and potentially schedule a reading Deanna and C discuss the importance of being open to messages from the universe and taking proactive steps towards personal growth The episode concludes with C apos s words of wisdom reminding listeners to embrace the opportunities presented to them and operate from a place of positivity and empowerment As always thank you for the support to contact me directly follow the link below https www labelfreepodcast com Stay Healthy Stay Ready- Deanna Marie Radulescu Click here to visit this podcast episode

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