Invite Podcast Guest Brian D. Mahan, SEP onto YOUR podcast.

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Available for these categories: HEALTH, HEALTH AND WELLNESS, MENTAL HEALTH

Brian D. Mahan, SEP, stands out as a leading authority in healing from developmental trauma, shock trauma, and toxic shame. With a blend of personal experiences and extensive professional training, he brings a unique and relatable perspective to the table, making him an ideal guest for in-depth podcast discussions. Notably, Brian is renowned for his humorous storytelling and his innate ability to demystify complex topics like neurobiology, presenting them in an easily digestible manner. His book, I Cried All The Way To Happy Hour - What to Do When Self-help and Talk Therapy Haven’t Really Helped, is more than just a guide to personal transformation—it's a candid and often humorous account of Brian's journey through his own trauma and shame. This work boasts on-cover endorsements from New York Times best-selling authors Gabby Bernstein, Marie Forleo, Maria Menounos, and Tamar Gellar, as well as accolades from Emmy award-winning writer Matthew Carnahan and celebrities Annabelle Dexter-Jones and Nicole Ari Parker. What sets Brian apart in the field is his distinctive approach to healing. As a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, a body-oriented approach to trauma healing, he zeroes in on the root causes of issues like anxiety, PTSD, and shame, rather than merely addressing symptoms. This expertise stems from personal experience. After grappling with developmental trauma, social anxiety, and panic attacks following a catastrophic car accident, Brian experienced profound and long-lasting healing through Somatic Experiencing. This transformative journey led him to the esteemed Somatic Experiencing Training Institute to study under Dr. Peter A. Levine. The efficacy of Brian's methods shines through in his clients' success stories. Since 2004, an impressive twenty-six of them have been inspired to become practitioners themselves. Brian's commitment to continuous learning is evident in his extensive studies on developmental trauma and healing shame. He spent five pivotal years studying with and assisting Bret Lyons, SEP, and Sheila Rubin, MA, LMFT, RDT/BCT, at The Center for Healing Shame. Additionally, he has also assisted two faculty members, Abi Blakeslee and Maggie Kline, at The Somatic Experiencing Training Institute. Beyond individual therapy, Brian is a fervent educator. He teaches mental health professionals how to transmute toxic shame into healthy shame. He also conducts live seminars and online webinars for the general public, focusing on stress management and healing trauma and shame. On the corporate front, Brian has provided training for industry titans, including JP Morgan Chase.

Central to Brian's endeavors is his noble mission: to help one million people heal from trauma and shame. His aim is to empower individuals to reclaim their lives, fostering a life of authenticity and fulfillment. With a rich tapestry of experiences and a deep well of expertise, Brian D. Mahan, SEP, emerges not just as a practitioner but as an educator, guide, and beacon of hope. His story, expertise, and mission position him as an invaluable voice for podcast discussions, promising engaging and enlightening conversations on stress, trauma, shame, and the journey to healing.

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World Podcast Guest Exchange

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Walter White

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Sarah Jhonson

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit.

William Anderson

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit.

Amanda Jepson

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit.

Walter White

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit.

Walter White

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit.

Walter White

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Walter White

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