Invite Podcast Guest Dr. Richard Ruhling onto YOUR podcast.

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Richard Ruhling is a retired physician who was board-certified before teaching Health Science at Loma Linda University. He sees medical care is not healthcare--it’s a leading cause of illness and death due to Adverse Drug Reactions. Most people think they are rare because the CDC has never reported them in their list of top 10 causes of death, but they are lying to protect the billions they make with pharma. Ruhling is an author on current events and biblical end-times. He sees history is repeating with the US like Egypt. Egypt enslaved Israel and threw their babies in the river. The US has most people in bondage to alcohol, tobacco and drugs—even medical care is bondage to monthly MD visits, tests and drug$, and 63 million babies thrown in the trash is worse than Egypt--judgment is coming. So how do we get there? Muslim nations are going to attack Israel as urged by President Erdogan of Turkey and foretold in Zechariah 14, but “the Lord shall roar from Jerusalem…heavens and earth shall shake,” Joel 3:16. That earthquake initiates biblical end-times when God “will shake earth terribly,” Isaiah 2:12,21. Scientists say the San Andreas is 80 years overdue and its movie release in 2015 with other sides imply a 7-year warning as Joseph gave to Egypt in Genesis 41. That marks 2023 for the start of end-times and it began with Hamas’ attack of Israel and we may expect major events in April/May. “The day of the Lord” is a day of darkness”, Joel 2:1,2. Google shows “Dark Day” as May 19, 1780, but it repeated when Mt St Helens erupted and wind carried its ashes to darken 3 NW states on May 19, 1980. Contact Ruhling to learn why May 19 is unique for this spring and book him for your podcast

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World Podcast Guest Exchange

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Walter White

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Sarah Jhonson

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William Anderson

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Amanda Jepson

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Walter White

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Sarah Jhonson

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit.

William Anderson

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit.

Amanda Jepson

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit.

Walter White

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit.

Walter White

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit.

Walter White

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Walter White

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