Invite Podcast Guest Fierce Manson onto YOUR podcast.

A Member of the World Podcast Network Guest Exchange

Available for these categories: HEALTH

I AM A Spirit Strategist and I hold a B.A. in Organizational Management, and a M.A.Ed. I am a LifeWave Consultant/Distributor. What does LifeWave do? It helps to ELEVATE, ACTIVATE, and REGENERATE with X39! X39 is a true breakthrough. X39’s patented wellness technology elevates the flow of your body's innate energy, fostering overall wellness and an active lifestyle. Licensed & ordained Evangelist/Verified Eagle Eye Prophet 1984 - current -Talking Points How To Live Pain Free Without Drugs Or Chemicals What Is Light Therapy How To Make Millionaire Money In 12 Months TESTIMONIES FROM X39 USERS Cancer Lung Cancer Date: Monday April 3, 2023 Review and Testimonials Nickie, young mother, on X39 for 5 months • Diagnosed with quickly dividing cells in her lungs and neck, insomnia and developed a cough. • With in 2 day of starting X39 and Aeon, She had more Energy! • Now, sleeps through the night! • Inflammation – Gone! • Skin more hydrated! • Monthly cycles normal! • Hair, growing in faster and thicker! • In Remission! April 12, 2023 Mary 83 years young Herniated discs in L-4 and L -5 -Sciatica pain for 11 years - gone in 18 days!!! -Fell and fractured L1 Pain gone in 30 days!!! -No scar from having 15 stitches! -Skin looks better and glowing -Lost 23 pounds without trying! -Had Sinus problems/sinus attacks for 60 years - hasn’t had a sinus infection in 2 years! -Has more energy -Had constipation for years has greatly improved!!! Sharon on X39 only 2.5 months - back pain since 14 yrs old doctors never found anyway to help - 1.5 yrs ago diagnoses with Parkinson’s - Had all symptoms very strong- HBP, fatigue, brain fog, balance issues, spasms, stiffness, limited mobility - Husband is disabled in wheel chair since 2009 and she caregiver for him, she could barely help - Struggled to get up each morning…she could not keep up at work, had to stop/ crazy pain levels - Time for physical with new doctor and took blood work and compared to 2022 test - Doctor told her that last year her blood work showed THIRD STAGE kidney failure - Blood work showed Creatin level 1.08 normal is .621 - 55% Kidney functioning and filtration bad…her doctor in 2022 never told her - Her symptoms were worsening because of kidney failure - Within 15 min of putting X39 patch on, head buzzing, light headed felt different - Within few days, could turn head range of motion great increased - Brain fog gone, no more depression, more energy, pain level down to around 2.5 - 2023 Blood work showed Creatin .63 Normal, kidney failure GONE - can bend over tie shoes, can wash her feet in shower, get off the couch with no pain Aug 29 2022 Advanced form of cancer quickly divided cells; inflammation; lost weight Had 4-6 months of life Was choking and could hardly speak Original lump X39 and Glutathione and Aeon and Alavida, Noticed skin was improving after 3 weeks Test showed repeating cells were dying off Feeling better and better each month 3 months in the menstrual was regular again 5th month - nails are thick and healthy Repeat test - no inflammation going on, everything shrinking AND THOUSANDS OF MORE TESTIMONIES

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World Podcast Guest Exchange

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Walter White

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Amanda Jepson

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Walter White

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit.

Sarah Jhonson

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit.

William Anderson

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit.

Amanda Jepson

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit.

Walter White

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit.

Walter White

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit.

Walter White

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Walter White

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