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A Quest for Well-Being With Valeria Teles Podcast on the World Podcast Network and the NY City Podcast Network
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This is a podcast inspired by love in the quest for Well-Being. The episodes feature informative, inspirational, healing, and insightful conversations focused on mental and spiritual health. This is a platform of collaboration created for exploration of fundamental truths, enlightening ideas, and insights about holistic health. The aspiration is to awaken new ways of thinking toward a new way of living and new ways of being. Through the lens of awareness and healing, we explore such topics as trauma, addiction, co-dependency, fear, depression, anxiety, learning, and self-love, among others. The intention is to inspire healthy changes and promote awareness. I am grateful for having the opportunity to collaborate with many thoughtful and insightful people. Much appreciation for the guests and supporters of this podcastPodcast Song “Almost August” by Dan Lebowitz http://www.lebomusic.com/  
This is a Professional podcast!
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1265 episodes!!! Showing the 50 most recent episodes. Listen and download the latest 5 episodes below...

The End Of Seeking Becomes The End Of Suffering

Published 07/16/2024
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Only Truth Can Set Us Free

Published 07/16/2024
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Intergenerational Trauma Healing And Prevention

Published 07/16/2024
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Womens’ Well Being And Pelvic Floor Care

Published 06/28/2024
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Business Intuition: The Secret To Manifesting Money & Meaningful Relationships

Published 06/12/2024
Download directly at https://pdcn.co/e/traffic.libsyn.com/secure/aquestforwellbeing/Tracey-Ann_Rose_Final_96kbps.mp3?dest-id=1208993
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