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Two seasoned professional cooks and a foodie, friends, Kellan Green, Kai Nelson and Jess Ross discuss food trends, food myths, our favorite recipes, the unfortunate reality of competition cooking shows, and interview other cooks about the world of professional cooking, from the perspective of cooks. Also, we're pretty silly.
The podcast is a Comedy, and lifestyle podcast based out of LA. We focus mainly on the less than glamorous side of the LA life. We often call back on our mid-city and affluent backgrounds. We also occasionally dive in to seriously topics.
Helping organisations thrive is a podcast to provide leaders with insights, discussions and robust strategies to help their companies thrive in these challenging times. We will be interviewing business leaders, owners and experts and thought leaders in the field of resilience.Hosted by Julian Roberts - Executive Leadership coach, Resilience trainer, Founder - Julian has spent 20+ years in senior strategic commercial roles; leading, managing and developing teams.<p class=>He has worked in a number of blue chip companies along with family owned/entrepreneurial businesses, giving him a wide exposure of experience. In 2017 he trained as an Executive Coach and started his coaching practice business. He now coaches emerging and senior leaders along with developing leadership programs for organisations.Learn more: https://www.julianrobertsconsulting.com/
THE podcast BY Salespeople FOR Salespeople. Paul Madott, Managing Partner of Everest Performance Group, covers the power of INTENTION when speaking to his guests in each episode. Every top performer at some point during their career has met a fork in the road, questioned their abilities and has been faced with a big decision or two en route to turning the corner in their career. Enjoy and get ready to be inspired by the stories shared from Salespeople just like you during each episode. Your Intention Matters because that's the result you'll tend to get!Subscribe to this podcast at these locations:https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5idXp6c3Byb3V0LmNvbS80NTM1NDQucnNzhttps://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-your-intention-matters-57859496/
We are a podcast who excels at delivering unique perspectives on multiple topics. Our style is informative and interesting.[p]Bringing to you a novel perception, every time.The focus for us, is to share what we logically ascertain is most likely the truth based on all the relevant data, using actual facts to back up our claims.
This podcast is mainly about recruiting, starting a recruiting business and on random days there are random topics that are not recruiting related.
Hosts Stephen Fontana, Andy Asimakis, bring you The Duel Screens Podcast - an interview show with industry guests & Duel Screens Gamecast (Formerly Nintendo Duel Screens) a conversational gaming podcast.Also on iHeart Radio at https://www.iheart.com/podcast/53-proven-gamer-remembe-27856743/.
Kiki and Erica, best friends since high school talk about their ever changing life from teenage years to adulthood, dealing with husbands, kids, work and everything in between. This is where they can relax let their guard down and just be real. Watch them pull the curtains because everything here is UNFILTERED.
The New York City Podcast Network presents the Misfit Marketing is the Only Marketing Podcast that helps to drive ROT, your Return on Time for your business. This podcast helps build your business much faster, so this is for marketing people and small and medium business owners.Listen to this podcast to improve profitable digital marketing campaigns and build better brands online. Multi-business owner Ken Pointer leads the way. He is the founder of the Misfit Marketing agency who specialise in running and building YouTube Channels that drive sales and leads for their clients. Increasing profit and decreasing marketing spend is the aim of the game here. If you are interested in Video Marketing, Online Advertising or YouTube Marketing this podcast is a must-listen!
Dr. Steve Albrecht is internationally-known for his consulting and training work in workplace violence prevention, school violence prevention, and high-risk human resources. Steve continues to speak, write, consult, and train on tough organizational topics. He brings his HR, training, law enforcement, security, coaching, and writing background to issues like workplace violence, school violence, sexual or racial harassment, diversity, drugs and alcohol at work, team conflicts, and employee stress.
Boy O'boy do we have a good one this week! Join Lauren and I as we have to make the tough decisions in life while also trying our best to be ethical about it. sort of we might have decided to give a sick child to an alien but who's to really judge. Still not sure what todays episode is about!? Well, take a listen and decide for yourself what you would do in these ethical dilemmas. Cheers!Head on over to iTunes, Spotify, SoundCloud, Stitcher, Podbean, or any other Podcasting platform and check out Episode 84:The One Where We Get EthicalEthical! Link in the Bio! And now also on youtube!
A weekly adventure of absurd user reviews led by your trusty goofball guides, Brent and Matt. Their expedition will lead you across the internet, through the dingy depths of the Amazon, past Google Reviews and Consumer Reports, listening for every Yelp in between. You'll stare into the treacherous dark heart of humanity, laid bare in user-generated internet reviews, and you'll to come out the other side with cheeks so sore from giggle fits you'll think you returned from a party with all your funniest friends; a Review Party Dot Com, you might say. Will you join the party?
Looking between the lines of Church history and the New Testament.The narrative that Christianity is based on includes assumptions that are easy to miss, assumptions that are also fundamental premises.Like the idea that this religion is well connected with the man we all know as Jesus.This podcast puts that narrative into straight forward terms, and applies critical thinking to see if it makes sense.Premise: it's supposed to make sense.And if it doesn't, in behind the Church's story there might be a cohesive, credible story that does make sense.Christianity is open for critique
Two dudes that have had movie discussions their whole life take their conversation to the mics as they discuss a plethora of things in the current pop culture zeitgeist that surrounds Hollywood. After the credits roll, these two movie buffs dig into things, holding nothing back as they discuss movies, tv shows, and everything that goes into making and consuming them. Listen in for a format that isn't about assigning a rating, but instead is a conversation you might have with a friend. These guys are passionate about it, and hope to inspire the same in you.
Broken Mysteries is a podcast where we share stories of the mystery, conspiracy, and esoteric type. Our episodes range from stories we've researched to personal experiences told by our guests. Listen in for thrilling stories and visit BrokenMysteries.com to become a part of the show.
The Blockchain DNA Podcast brings you the latest news in Blockchain technology, Global Developments, Business and Fintech.Explore new and future applications of blockchain from industry influencers with insight and great conversations.Presented by Metaverse DNA.
Stories of the heroes who are fighting the good fight on behalf of animals across the globe.
A Tale of d20s is a Dungeons and Dragons actual play Podcast network hosting two great games; The comedy, Natural 1's and the drama Descent Into the Void which is now ranked 234 on Itunes. Come and join the adventure full of action,adventure,comedy,romance and drama. New episodes released every Monday!https://ataleofd20s.com