Real Life Stories – Clay Taylor / #28

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Summary There are so many Christians in this day that don t even believe in healings of any kind That is definitely not what we believe here at Trinity Fellowship The challenge is to keep praying for healings when you don t see everyone healed It is easy to play it safe but it s another thing to go after it and really believe God even when things look impossible Let s become like little children and just believe And when you do become a part of someone getting healed don t let yourself get puffed up and start biting on the pride hook That is the thing that can destroy a Christian faster than anything Show Notes There have been many people over the years who have come to Trinity specifically to be healed Why Because they know we will pray for them and we listen and we believe that God really heals When praying for healings it s easy to err on the side of caution and play it safe It s another thing to go for it and really believe God even though not everyone gets healed It s better to pray for the impossible and see God move if He wills It s so important that we as God s people don t take credit for what God does through us Pride can sneak in on us so fast if we aren t careful That especially holds true for those who are spiritual leaders of Christian groups Quotes It s not an anointing on just one person here at Trinity It s a family anointing It s an anointing on this house So we all have that ability for God to use us that way I believe that God is bringing us to a place where we re going to see more of that the healings if we can be good stewards of it That s the key I can name a dozen healings that I m praying for every day who have cancer and then these little kids who really don t even know what is going on can just say Fix it Lord and it happens And God told me because I can trust them with it The people that God s doing stuff in around and through are at the greatest risk of pride It never comes in the front door It always comes in the side door We all have this desire for our life to mean something of significance And you know we can get so far out of balance that we have to watch out for as spiritual people that we don t take credit for something Pride kills what God is doing in your life quicker than anything and spiritual pride is the worst kind of pride Everybody knows you have it except you When your message becomes more important than the people that you re supposed to deliver it to you are out of business and you may not know it for several years Takeaways When it comes to praying over someone for a healing let s quit playing it safe and really go after seeing people healed Let s be more like little children who just believe and things happen As we start to see more success let s not let pride slip into our spirit and run the risk of loosing everythng that the Lord has given us Click here to visit this podcast episode

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