Reviving The Art Of Conversation In The Digital Age – A Connected Conversation With Frances Altman

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In this episode of quot Connected Conversations for Creatives quot we delve into the intricate dance between technological advancements and the art of meaningful communication with guest Francis Altman an author and educator with a rich 50-year writing career Altman eloquently discusses the double-edged sword of technology while it facilitates easier and varied forms of communication it simultaneously erodes the nuances of direct human interaction She highlights the challenges that come with digital communication such as the proliferation of echo chambers the reduction of attention spans and the loss of interpersonal subtleties leading to misinterpretations and conflicts The conversation also touches on Altman 39 s latest book a creative chronicle of Mary Edwards Walker a pioneer in both medicine and communication underscoring the importance of preserving the art of conversation in an increasingly digital world Connect with Frances Amazon LinkedIn Connect with Jennifer Check out My latest book – Fall When You 39 re Ready Best Friends First Dance First Love Dreams Choices Second Chance Are you an author Check out my Website for some great resources that will help you create better characters All social media jcarrwrites — Support this podcast https podcasters spotify com pod show jcarrwrites supportClick here to visit this podcast episode

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