SALUS – Flipping The Script Of On Site Safety – Gabe Guetta

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I had the privilege of engaging in a discussion with Gabe Guetta the Founder and CEO of SALUS about their revolutionary product that redefines the concept of Health and Safety placing people at the forefront With Gabe apos s extensive experience in the construction industry he has collaborated on a product that simplifies safety protocols and incorporates innovative measures to ensure real transformative safety on-site Helping everyone on the project stay compliant streamlining their required safety protocols and providing real Health and Safety access at the touch of a button on a smartphone or handheld device The realm of health and safety is highly intricate often accompanied by a prevailing stigma However these outdated perceptions are gradually giving way to positive changes SALUS challenges the conventional approach shifting from merely signing forms to now having everything in a digital platform that fosters a genuine understanding of health and safety It is crucial to grasp the underlying purpose of these safety measures Even in the digital realm the true purpose of health and safety can sometimes get diluted despite the substantial investments made in government and corporate programs Ultimately the well-being of workers is of paramount importance SALUS seeks to revolutionize this aspect through its groundbreaking software For more information about SALUS and their transformative solutions please visit their website https salussafety io The Working Genius Identify their natural gifts and find joy and fulfillment in their work and life Support the showAppreciate the content we provide Support the show on Patreon Click the link below to join the team https patreon com JonathanCinelli

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