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In 1953 in the 44th installment of the Halls of Fantasy Radio program listeners were traumatized by an episode titled The Shadow People While certainly not the first cultural reference to this phenomenon it does serve as a point of interest to a modern resurgence of what people believe are actual sightings of these seemingly malevolent entities The origin of these apparitions remains unclear although it may be possible to tie them to myths and legends of reported sightings stretching back through antiquity The characteristics and circumstances vary from manifestations in locations that appear to be a scene of a tragedy such as a car accident or house fire to seemingly unbidden appearances in the middle of the night with accompanying symptoms of paralysis and intense dread In this episode we will examine various manifestations possible origins and take a close look at the shadows on the wall perhaps directly behind you Sources How a Strange Man in a Fedora Inspired Wes Craven s Freddy Kruegerhttps tinyurl com 26jmrr4dCarl Jung and the Shadow The Hidden Power of Our Dark Sidehttps tinyurl com 2493dxg9 The Cures and Demons of Sleep Paralysis by Sarah Jaffray https tinyurl com 2fogekm7 Music Voices by Patrick PatrikiosClick here to visit this podcast episode

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