the practice profit system podcast On the New York City Podcast Network

Similarities Between Insurance Companies, Pimps, Prostitutes, And Doctors | Episode 7

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In this episode Matthew Gillogly explore the unexpected connections between insurance companies pimps prostitutes and doctors He shares stories about a friend who used to be a con man explaining how pimps control prostitutes lives just like insurance companies control doctors But why does this matter for doctors Well he explains that doctors often feel trapped by insurance rules and low payments just like prostitutes feel trapped by pimps He encourages doctors to break free from this cycle and find better ways to run their practices Matthew Gillogly offers practical advice like attending events and finding mentors to help doctors take back control He wants doctors to realize they can make positive changes and find more fulfilling ways to practice medicine So join Matthew Gillogly on The Practice Profit System as we learn how to break free from old ways of doing things and build brighter futures in healthcare Subscribe and share with your friends Click here to visit this podcast episode

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