Be BOLD Branding BrandFace on the new york city podcast network

The Brand Born From Courage

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There s a lot of focus on leadership today and with good reason Lack of proper leadership is one of the top contributing factors to business failure Our guest in this episode is not only a client of ours but a great friend J Scot Heathman is a speaker upcoming author and Founder of Elevating Others He inspires CEOs and front-line leaders to command with courage so they can unleash the force within their team ignite their innovative spirit and skyrocket their bottom line Learn about his journey and how he came to be known for commanding with courage 01 08 From Dreams of Flying to Commanding the Skies 04 17 Leadership Lessons from the Air Force 07 49 The Power of Servant Leadership in Business 20 15 Navigating Personal Challenges A Commander s Resilience 26 19 Finding Lessons in Crisis 30 43 Embracing Personal Branding for Authentic Leadership 41 41 The Impact of Authentic Branding on Leadership and Coaching 45 49 How to Connect with Scot Heathman Click here to visit this podcast episode

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