The Helmet Of Salvation

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Summary To become effective as a spiritual warrior we must put on the armor of God The helmet of salvation protects that which we have appropriated and become in God by His Word This piece of armor not only protects us form the assault of the enemy but it houses all the living promises that God has made real to us and becomes the lordship of Jesus Christ in our lives Show Notes You don t go into battle without proper training and without proper armament The helmet of salvation is one of the most important parts of our armament because of what you have underneath it After God has given you something how do you protect it We are not protecting the carnal mind We are protecting what we have from God and opening up to receive more We must keep asking keep seeking and keep knocking in regards to what the Lord has said pertaining to the helmet of salvation because it is progressive We put on the helmet of hope which is God s promise s to me The helmet of salvation protects me from all that assails me from the enemy The armor of God is His Word that we assimilate and become nbsp Quotes we re putting the helmet of salvation around the mind of Christ that s in you What you re doing is you re covering what you ve got and you re opening your heart and your mind to receive more So putting on the helmet of salvation could be progressive as well Keep on asking because what you re saying to the Lord is I trust You and I believe what You re saying I trust You and what s happening in all that is first off you re getting a relationship with the Lord put on the helmet of the hope of salvation What is hope Hope are promises yet to be Click here to visit this podcast episode

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