The Love Of The Father Manifested In Us

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Summary He first loved us The revelation of that scripture has always provided a drive in His sons to return such a wonderful gift As we realize that His love must be the very foundation of our lives a cry begins to come up out of our hearts Lord I tie this sacrifice to the horns of Your altar nbsp Show Notes The love of the Father in our midst is the very foundation of the way we love Him The dying out to ourselves is very much involved in coming into the love of the Father He loved us while we were yet sinners How patient He has been and long suffering because He loves us Out of God s love for us He revels things to us that need to be changed God s love must be a revelation to us We must have the love of God in our hearts because human love always fails Christ is being faithful to show us the Father s love We bind our old nature as a sacrifice to the horns of the altar We are confronted by the love of God and it begins to empty us out of our wrong motivations As we lay down ourselves and our motivations we come to the place of truly loving our brother and serving him The altar of God s dealings in my life and everything that He takes me through He is creating something more in my life That is knowing Him in a greater way nbsp Quotes The love of the Father manifested in our midst is really what it s all about It is the root it s the foundation of everything The real laying down and emptying out of our-self is involved Out of His love and goodness for us He shows us where things might not be the way we thought they were The love Click here to visit this podcast episode

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