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Summary A part of the spiritual armor of the believer is the sword of the Spirit As the we speak God s Word by the Holy Spirit the anointing in that Word divides between soul and spirit joints and marrow and brings forth that word in the power of God nbsp Show Notes The sword of the Spirit is wielded by the Holy Spirit not us It s the anointing through the Holy Spirit on the Word of God that you speak that becomes the sword of the Spirit The sword of the Spirit divides between soul and spirit The Holy Spirit activates the Word of God We must hunger after God s Word The Word of God must be our meditation and our source of victory As we read and meditate on God s Word it will come alive to us and we will be changed I know the Word of God is thorough as the sword of the Spirit is being applied I won t have to go this way again He s capable of doing it the first time if you ll submit to it We must be filled with the Holy Spirit to speak the Word of God with power nbsp Quotes The sword of the Spirit is not our sword to be used It s the Holy Spirit s sword and He draws it out when He chooses There is a time and an anointing when the Word of God you speak absolutely becomes the sword of the Spirit You ll never be defensive against the word It ll cut through all of the flack all of the things that you put up all your ideologies everything else because the Word of God is eternal The sword of the spirit comes in and divides soul and spirit when the word is executed by the spirit of the Living God it breaks through every barrier and creates something that you could never create any other way what you re saying is the Bible was never meant to be a book that was understood by human wisdom the word of God itself is something that God says that you must hunger and thirst after it in order to have it in order for it to be effective in your life The carnal mind will never come to the conclusion of what is in the Word Only the Spirit of God reveals to you by the Spirit what God is talking about Let the word be your meditation Let the word be your portion Let it be your guide Let it be your source of victory Your source of overcoming That sword of the Spirit run it deep Lord because Father I want not to fight what You re doing I want it to work to its fullest extent there s coming a time when as you re seeking the Lord with all your heart and reading the Word that will penetrate your very being and cause something to come alive in you that was not alive before It s not just reading a scripture or quoting a scripture that doesn t have anything in it But it s when it s filled with this Holy Spirit That s when the power comes References Ephesians 6 17And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God Hebrews 4 12For the word of God nbsp is alive nbsp and active nbsp Sharper than any double-edged sword nbsp it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit joints and marrow it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart John 4 24God nbsp is nbsp Spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth Matthew 18 3 nbsp And said Verily I say unto you Except ye be converted and become as little children ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven Psalm 19 Hungering after God s Word Psalm 119 9-16 Hungering after God s Word Joshua 1 7-9 Meditate on the Word I Corthians 4 20For the kingdom of God is not in words but in power John 5 39-40You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal Click here to visit this podcast episode

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