Where Did The Spark Go?

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In relationships we often will slide into a form of comfort routine that is called the Roommate Syndrome The Roommate Syndrome Where sparks go to smolder Why does this happen past disagreements It is easier Rejection free How to rekindle the spark Know what the roommate syndrome is about Start with the end in mind Much like the word rekindle you have to use kindling Kindling is a small flammable material that you can use to grow an ember into a bonfire It starts with the small stuff Rediscover the silly you 95 Off Coaching Offer img class gutenverse-image-box-filled src https www relaxedmale com wp-content uploads 2024 04 Podcast-CoverArt jpg width 2000 height 2000 Summary Here is a detailed summary of the key points from this podcast episode The episode discusses the roommate syndrome that can happen in marriages where the spark and passion fades over time The host Brian explains that this happens because of our unintentional thoughts and mindsets over the course of a long-term relationship He notes that as couples get older their sexual frequency and intensity naturally declines compared to when they were younger This can lead to feelings of disconnection and the roommate syndrome setting in where the relationship feels more like living with a roommate than an intimate partner The host explains that this happens for a few key reasons Women tend to be more mentally emotionally oriented when it comes to sex needing more foreplay and mental preparation compared to men who are more physically visually driven As life demands increase for women sex can become lower on the priority list Couples stop making the effort to reconnect and be playful adventurous like they did when dating Avoiding difficult conversations about the lack of intimacy also contributes to the problem Men become afraid of rejection when consistently turned down for sex so they stop initiating and turn to less fulfilling outlets like porn The host emphasizes the importance of open communication between partners to find solutions This may involve compromises exploring new ways of being intimate and rediscovering the playfulness the couple had early in the relationship He encourages men to focus on becoming the best version of themselves which can reignite their wife s interest Overall the episode highlights how the roommate syndrome is a common issue but one that can be overcome through intentional effort communication and rediscovering the fun and silliness that used to characterize the relationship Click here to visit this podcast episode

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