Why We’re Losing The War On Cancer

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Why are we so far away from finding a cure for different types of cancer Do tests run on mice have any relevance to the efficacy on people Is the medical community getting it all wrong and where has cancer treatment failed the patient My guest today is Dr Azra Raza the Chan Soon Professor of Medicine and Clinical Director of the Edward P Evans Foundation MDS Center at Columbia University in New York She is a practicing oncologist seeing 30-40 cancer patients weekly and has dedicated her life to the prevention of all chronic diseases including cancer through early detection Her latest book quot THE FIRST CELL And the Human Costs of Pursuing Cancer to the Last quot is a national bestseller and has been translated into nine languages In this episode she speaks to some of the inefficiencies the medical community creates in the treatment and fight against cancer the human cost of cancer treatment and even dives into the connection between medicine and poetry This was an incredibly fun informative and intense discussion and I know you apos re going to enjoy it and learn a lot Follow Dr Bob Hariri on his platforms here Web www pilotinghealth comInstagram https www instagram com drbobhariri X https twitter com DrBobHaririTikTok https www tiktok com pilotinghealthLinkedIn https www linkedin com in drbobhariri

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