10 Signs That A Podcast Network Is One Of The Top Podcast Networks

Founder of the World Podcast Network
In order to determine if a podcast network is one of the top podcast networks, one should consider the features and benefits that are offered by a particular podcast network. Let's discuss what makes a place like the World Podcast Network one of the top podcast networks. Whether you're looking to build your own podcast network or you're looking to join one for your own podcast, the advice in this article will explain what? It's like to be one of the top podcasts networks. For podcast, listeners and subscribers:
  1. It offers a selection of podcasts in multiple categories and not just one. 
  2. It offers episodes updated daily and not just podcasts.
  3. It builds a community of both podcasters, subscribers, and guests.
  4. It offers a guest exchange, allowing entrepreneurs to find podcast for interviews and podcast to find quality guests
  5. It acts like a social network allowing podcasts to receive comments and likes from listeners. 
  6. It offers both audio podcasts and video podcasts offering a video podcast network.
  7. It offers podcasters the ability to monetize and make money online with their shows. 
  8. It offers a podsafe music directory, allowing people to find new music and podcasters to play royalty-free music that they are legally allowed to play.
  9. It allows podcasters to log in and manage their shows online
  10. It offers analytics on downloads, profile views, and listens. 
The podcast network offers all 10 of these benefits to is podcaster and subscriber community

1. It offers multiple categories of podcasts and not just one. 

Whereas most podcast networks offer just one category. They cannot grow and succeed that way. Furthermore, they cannot have enough content to offer to their subscribers when those subscribers are looking for multiple podcasts in different categories. In order to be a top podcast network, it needs to offer at least 10 to 12 categories.  The World Podcast Network offers 12 main categories and 50 subcategories.  The main categories include business, comedy, entertainment, culinary, sports, finance, technology, AI related podcast, religious, lifestyle, travel and education.  In addition to those main categories, the podcast network offers over 50 subcategories. The top podcast networks offer a very good amount of categories for its subscribers. 

2. it offers daily episodes and not just podcasts.

Most podcast networks act only like podcast directories. They are not true podcast networks. They don't display podcast episodes. For a podcast network would be successful, it also needs to offer more than just podcasts. It needs to provide episodes updated several times a day. Podcasters put out episodes all day long. On the World Podcast Network we see new podcast episodes on average from 40 to 70 Podcast episodes a day. That's great content for people that come to the podcast network.  For podcast networks to accomplish this, they need to take the episodes of every podcast on its platform and combine all the new episodes by date, making it easy for subscribers to find brand new episodes. They may even find new podcasts.

3. It builds a community of podcasters subscribers and guests. 

Nowadays, all three types of segments are combined when it comes to podcasting. Podcasters of course are the central core of it all. However, podcasters will be nowhere if it weren't for subscribers becoming audience members. That's where top podcast networks come in. They bring the subscribers to the podcasts. It is true that podcasters can do their own marketing and branding and most do using social media and Podcast SEO. But it doesn't always work for podcasters. A podcast network will bring subscribers and do the marketing for podcasts on its platform.  The same goes for guests. The top podcast networks have their own guest exchange. The World Podcast Network has one of its own built in. Small business owners and entrepreneurs can find podcasts for interviews. Likewise podcasters who want to invite guests can do so right on the World Podcast Network's guest exchange. This creates not only a marketplace for podcasters and guests but also a complete community between all three segments.

4. it offers a guest exchange. 

As mentioned in the previous section, top podcast networks build their own guest exchanges. This allows podcasters to find guests. And also allows small business owners and entrepreneurs to find podcast to interview. One of the most popular types of guests that we've seen on the World Podcast Network are authors who just launched their book. Been looking for podcasts to interview them about the book. A good effective guest exchange will offer profiles for every guest. Those profiles will include an invitation form for podcasters to fill out when looking for feasible guests for their show.  The guest relationship World podcast member. Also curates interviews between podcasts and guests. This way the flow podcasts And guests keeps moving.

5. The top podcast networks offer social network features to its podcast, guest, and subscriber community.

Just like social networks including Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and tiktok offer comments and likes, the top podcast networks also offer a way for subscribers to comment and like podcasts as well as their episodes.  On the World Podcast Network, every podcast can receive comments from subscribers. They can also be liked when subscribers click the heart button on the podcast profile.  The real podcast network then offers a special feed of only the podcast that'll liked once a subscriber logs into the “My Podcast” portal On the World Podcast Network, podcasters can get likes and comments on their show profiles from their subscribers and your audience. This also shows that the podcast network cares about his community.

6. It offers both audio and video podcasts to his subscribers. 

While some podcast networks offer just audio podcasts and some offer video, the top podcast network offers both to subscribers and also offers the ability for podcasters to market their shows on both platforms.  Since podcasting started as audio in 2005 podcasts are traditionally offered as audio. Most podcasts offer just the audio. There are also video podcast networks. They do not offer audio podcasts. A good example of a top video podcast network would be YouTube. Another one would be Vimeo.  The World Podcast Network offers both video and audio podcast to its subscribers. It has a separate video podcast under the umbrella of the entire podcast network. 

7. The top podcast networks also offer monetization opportunities. 

There are podcast networks that offer monetization opportunities, but they're not considered the top podcast because they don't fit most of the criteria in this article.  The World Podcast Network offers three types of monetization opportunities for podcasters which include but are not limited to audio advertisements, host read ads, and podsafe music.  One of the main needs of podcasters is to make money with their shows. The top podcast networks are offering a huge beneficial service to podcasters when they offer monetization opportunities. 

8 The top podcast networks offer a podsafe music directory. 

Podsafe music is music that is safe for the podcasters to play without worrying about copyright infringement. It may be true that the song itself is copyright protected, but when an artist or songwriter makes their music podsafe, they are allowing podcasters to play the music on your podcast without worries about lawsuits.  The World Podcast Network offers podsafe music in its own directory and includes all types of genres of music that suit the needs of various podcasters including but not limited to rock, pop, hip, hop, country, jazz, and more..

9 The top podcast network also offers a portal to its member podcasts.

Most podcast networks do not offer this benefit. Allowing podcasters to log in and manage every aspect of their show gives the podcaster the ability to control how their show appears on the podcast network.  The World Podcast Network offers what they call the “My Podcast” portal. It offers podcasters everything from
  • analytics of their show
  • a screen to edit their social media
  • a method to highlight their podcast and episodes
  • the screens to enter their hosting platforms
  • a page to apply for monetization opportunities
  • ability to invite guests to appear on the show for interviews in its own guest exchange
  • and more
Most podcast networks just list the podcast and their episodes, but The World Podcast Network allows podcasters to modify their shows in every aspect. 

10 It offers analytics on downloads, profile views, and listens. 

Most podcast networks just display their podcasts without any real data tracking for downloads, views and more. They rely on the podcast hosting platforms like Buzzsprout and Anchor or Spotify.  However, the top podcast networks all track downloads which is the most important metric to let podcasters know if their show is performing well on that particular podcast network.  The World Podcast Network provides analytics on everything from downloads, views, and listens. Its analytics break down downloads by specific city and country
Author Of This Blog
Bruce Chamoff
About Bruce Chamoff
Bruce is a visionary and the founder for the World Podcast Network. He founded the World Podcast Network in 2005 and has been responsible for its success ever since. He is also a musician and songwriter with 7 albums and 27 singles. As the host of Become A Successful Podcaster, Bruce has helped new and seasoned podcasters grow their shows and find success in both monetization and audience growth.

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