How To Launch A Successful Podcast On Youtube

Founder of the World Podcast Network
Welcome to the ultimate guide on transforming your passion for podcasting into a successful venture on YouTube! In this comprehensive article, I am going to explain how to:
  1. plan your videos
  2. record
  3. edit them
  4. promote your new video episodes
  5. monetize your episodes
We unveil the strategic steps to create yourself a flourishing channel with a loyal audience on YouTube. Launching a podcast on YouTube allows you to podcast through both audio and visual content. From crafting compelling episode titles to optimizing your channel for search engine visibility, we've got you covered. This guide will enlighten you with the knowledge and tools needed to stand out in the very crowded video podcasting space. Get ready to unleash your creativity, amplify your voice, and captivate listeners worldwide with your very own podcast on YouTube!

Key Takeaways

  1. Why launch a podcast on YouTube?
  2. Decide how often you will release episodes
  3. How To choose the right equipment for your YouTube podcast
  4. How to record your podcast episodes for YouTube
  5. How to edit your podcast episodes for YouTube
  6. Upload your new video episodes to YouTube
  7. How to promote your podcast on YouTube
  8. How To Optimize Your Video Podcasts For Search Engines
  9. How to monetize your YouTube podcast
  10. Repeat And Rinse! Make A Podcast Schedule
  11. Conclusion

1 Why launch a podcast on YouTube?

YouTube is the largest video platform in the world. It even added a new Podcast Upload feature to allow video creators to add their own videos as podcasts. When YouTube launched this, we realized that it was also on-board with podcasting. As video podcasting evolves, YouTube also did as well to show support. This is now the time to take advantage of this powerful and popular platform to find new subscribers for your podcast.
Also, something I say often that people not only can watch a YouTube video. They can also LISTEN to YouTube videos while they are driving in their cars and a lot of people do. Afterall, most video podcasts are simple. You simply look at the camera and speak. This type of format gives you the ability to reach people faster, produce video podcast episodes faster and reach more people who are not only sitting behind their computers, but also behind the wheel.

YouTube also provides an integrated platform for community building and interaction. The comments arekey to connecting with your listeners and they have been an original part of the YouTube platform, so you can build a community around your podcast. By responding to comments and engaging with your audience, you can build loyalty and encourage viewers to return for future episodes.

2 Decide how often you will release episodes

This is important. You will create a schedule and can release podcast episodes once, twice, or even every day of the week. Once you decide, stick with the frequency of releasing those podcast episodes since your audience will expect the same number of episodes each week. Ask yourself how much content you will have per week and break it up into a specific number of days. Then, release those episodes the same days of the week. This will "train" your audience on when to expect your new video podcast episodes.

3 How To choose the right equipment for your YouTube podcast

It is important to have a camera with these features:

  1. Hi-defintion and at least a resolution of 1920 x 1080 resolution and screen size
  2. Ability to save MP4 format, the most popular and accepted format for video podcasts
  3. A stand that supports your podcast microphone or smart phone
  4. Good sound quality for recording your audio
  5. The ability to accept USB-C connection cable connections

4 How to record your podcast episodes for YouTube

  1. When recording your video podcast for YouTube, you will record two formats:
    1. landscape (long) format for your full length podcast episode. This is the format which will be used for your audience to watch your episode.
    2. portrait (tall) format for YouTube shorts. This is for your quick podcast intros to pull new subscribers. It is under 60 seconds.
  2. Make sure your environment is well lit with the lighting on you, your other hosts, and your podcast guests. Lighting is important, especially for video podcasts. Bad lighting will cause you to lose potential subscribers as they look for podcast hosts they can clearly see.
  3. Put your camera or phone on a stand to avoid shaking. Potential subscribers want to see a still video and not one where the podcaster is moving around.
  4. Record in front of a background with a solid color like a wall or green screen. Listeners need to see you and not anything else in the background that may distract their attention spans away from the main person speaking like a host or your guest.

5 How to edit your podcast episodes for YouTube

Using a good editing tool like Audacity for audio podcasts and Adobe Premiere for your video is perfect. A great combination. Any good video editor works like Final Cut Pro or even online editing tools like Riverside.FM and's AI-powered tools for easy editing, including automatic transcription and noise reduction. Watch videos on YouTube on how to edit your video podcast.

6 Upload your new video episodes to YouTube

Once your podcast is ready for the world to watch (and listen), it's finally time to get it onto YouTube. Simply log in and click the Upload link. Select Podcast and follow the prompts. It will take an average of 5 to 15 minutes to upload your video and for YouTube to process it, so go have a couple of coffee and come back in 15 minutes. Once the video is done processing, you will be able to add:
  1. a description of your new video podcast episode
  2. add tags which are like keywords for videos
  3. add it to playlists
  4. similar videos which come as YouTube's End Screen format

7 How to promote your podcast on YouTube

Here is where the fun comes in. Once your new video podcast episode is up, it is time to promote it everywhere.

What are the best social networks to add your video podcast episodes?

  1. Instagram Stories
  2. instagram Reels
  3. Facebook Stories
  4. TikTok
  5. X
  6. YouTube Shorts
Again, as mentioned before, you want to upload both a short video (under 60 seconds) and the full format to YouTube only. The video shorts you create on those social networks will link to the main video on YouTube.

8 How To Optimize Your Video Podcasts For Search Engines

This is a very frequently missed step by podcasters. It is not enough to just upload your videos to social media. It is also important to have it optimized by Google and Bing as well as AI search engines like ChatGPT. Here is how you do optimize for search engines:
  1. Write a very detailed summary of your podcast episode. Include all the guest and host names as well.
  2. Use relevant keywords that describe your podcast episode. These will be used for searches by people on YouTube and Google. Add keywords that describe what is in your video. You may also want to include synonyms (different words with similar or the same meaning) that you mentioned on your episodes.
  3. Add hyperlinks to your website, social media and other podcast episodes.

9 How to monetize your YouTube podcast

Now it is time to monetize your podcast. We do have several blog posts about optimizing your podcast and you can read them.

10 Repeat And Rinse! Make A Podcast Schedule

Once you get the hang with your first episode, it is time to make a schedule and stick to it. For example, if you want to post YouTube videos on Monday and Thursday, post them every Monday and Thursday and stay consistent. After a while, your audience will expect your new video podcasts on those days.

11 Conclusion

I really hope this article is a great start for you to launch your video podcast on YouTube. Once you get into the groove with 2 or 3 episodes, will be become second nature to you and you will be able to stick to your schedule. In no time, you WILL find new subscribers and grow your YouTube channel.
Author Of This Blog
Bruce Chamoff
About Bruce Chamoff
Bruce is a visionary and the founder for the World Podcast Network. He founded the World Podcast Network in 2005 and has been responsible for its success ever since. He is also a musician and songwriter with 7 albums and 27 singles. As the host of Become A Successful Podcaster, Bruce has helped new and seasoned podcasters grow their shows and find success in both monetization and audience growth.

Also read blog posts from the past 6 months for podcasters

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