The Podcaster Relations Team we set up on the podcast network helps your podcast navigate the intricacies of our busy podcast network. It is not just a team helping the podcast network connect with our podcaster community who want help and success in everything from marketing, audience development, and more. This is our way of releasing new information and also providing customer service to podcast listeners who needed on our network. The Podcaster Relations Team is made up of over 10 people who read emails daily, address inquiries as quickly as possible. If your podcast is having any problems or challenges on our network, this is the team to reach in order to assure your satisfaction and success on our podcast network.[p]
You can simply visit the
contact form and fill it out and the contact form submissions will distribute to the right team. If you have problems in any of these or questions, feel free to reach out to the podcaster relations team:[p]
- if you're having a problem with your podcast showing up on search results
- if you're having a payment or billing problem
- if you have any issues with your podcast profile page
- if you want any help when promotion, audience growth, etc
- for any help understanding your analytics or our data collection policies
- if you have questions about any of our services, including the leaderboard , recommended episodes, search results, votes, your podcast level monthly subscriptions.[p][p]
In order for the podcast relations team to respond, please allow us at least 24 to 48 hours and we will reply as soon as possible. The podcast relations team is always expanding as our podcaster community grows. We're not here to help just podcasts. The team was formed to help podcasters themselves. Biggest part of the podcast relations team is also noting how the portal is used by the podcast or community of our podcast network. When you need any help with the
My Podcast portal, that is the way to go.[p]
The contact form will be added to the portal to allow podcasters to connect with us directly without having to leave the portal and go to the contact form page. That contact form might already be in place by the time you read this.[p]
The podcast relations team is always on the watch to help your show succeed. On our network. If there is any problem that you have with your podcast on our system, you can always access our frequently asked questions. We are also in the process of putting a brand new Frequently Asked Questions for the
My Podcast portal itself. As we get common questions from podcasters we will add those to the frequently asked questions page. A whole new FAQs page is ciurrently being developed specifically for the new My Podcast portal.[p]
Feel free to reach out to us at any time by going to the contact form on either the portal If it hasn't been released yet, or the contact form on the website itself. The podcast relations team is here to help and is the main team behind your success and your satisfaction with our podcast network, as we strive to become the biggest podcast network in the world. We want to thank you for your support and patience.[p]
Frquently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What if I need to reach out to the podcast Relations Team? How do I contact them?
Simply fill out the contact form and your question will be routed automatically to the Podcaster Relations Team if there is an inquiry that they can resolve for your podcast.[p]
How long does the podcast relation team take to respond?
The Podcast Relations Team tries to reach out within 12 hours, but due to an overwhelming number of requests and inquiries that we received, it could be anywhere between 24 to 48 hours. We are growing our team every single day, so the more inquiries that come in, the more our team grows and be able to reach out to you to respond as soon as possible when you have an issue or a question.[p]
How big is the podcast relations team?
Our Podcaster Relations Team is so far 10 people and growing. We want to have a big enough team to be able to address any issues and as many issues that arise. Also, certain members of our team are experienced in customer service. This is essentially our customer service team. With over 10 people experienced in customer service, you can rest assured that we can handle anything and if we cannot, we'll escalate it to our CEO who makes the final decision on everything.[p]
What type of issues does the podcaster relation teams handle?
The team handles as many issues and inquiries as it takes to make everybody who is on our network successful and satisfied with our service. Since our main service is to help podcasts become successful, that is the main focus of the podcaster relations team.[p]
The issues that we deal with include, but are not limited to billing issues. If you have an issue with a monthly subscription charge, we are here to help. If you see a charge that you do not recognize, the podcaster relations team will handle it and look into any billing issues that you have received.[p]
Podcaster Levels[p]
Since we have three podcast levels (as of this writing), we wanted to make sure that each podcast is on the right level. If you are a professional level podcast for example, and you find that you are listed as a free podcast, definitely reach out to us. We are here to help. Sometimes it could be a billing issue where the payment wasn't received and your level was dropped to free. If that's the case, we can definitely resolve it if the payment is proven.[p]
Your podcast profile page[p]
The podcast profile page is the home for your podcast on our network. Since it lists your links to the streaming platforms such as Apple, Spotify, Google Play, etc. If you find that a link is wrong, you can reach out to us but you can also log into the podcast profile the
My Podcast portal and correct it yourself if you're having problems logging into the my podcast portal. That is another reason to reach out to the podcaster relations team.[p]
If you believe that your podcast deserves to be on the
leaderboard you can reach out to the podcaster relations team and they will look into the data. Please remember, the
leaderboard is a data driven web page that follows a certain algorithm which determines the rankings of each podcast. If you believe that your podcast is not showing up on a leaderboard, but it should, the podcaster relations team will look up your data for a particular point in time and see if you rank we can also fix the issue, but we normally do not in this case because of the data, algorithm, and your podcast's analytics. You can read the article on the
leaderboard and how it works to rank your podcast.[p]
Your podcast's analytics[p]
The podcaster relations team is trained to read your
analytics since we collect data on everything from plays, downloads, views, and more. Your
analytics might not match what you're hosting platform such as Buzzsprout anchor, Spotify pod bean, or any other podcast hosting company. It probably won't because each hosting company tracks data differently and collects it differently. With that said there's also a difference between how the podcast network collects your data as well. so it's most likely that you will not see a consistency between your analytics on the New York City podcast network and your hosting platform. This is totally normal. However, if you still feel that your data on the podcast network is incorrect. And your
analytics are not showing. As you expect. You can reach out to the podcaster relations team who will investigate and look at your data.[p]
My podcast portal[p]
This is a brand new and exciting feature of the Podcast Network. Most podcast networks do not have a portal for podcasters to log in and manage their entire show, including everything from the streaming platforms, to the hosting platforms to the way your podcast appears on our network. If you're having any issues with the portal including but not limited to logins, data that's showing making changes to your podcast or anything else you can reach out to the podcast relations team.[p]
Recommended Episodes[p]
The podcast or relations team does not handle the
recommendation episodes on the
recommended episodes page. However, there is another staff the team who handles the
recommendations. If you feel that one of your episodes should be recommended, but it was not. You can also reach out to the podcast and relations team who will look and listen to your episode and determine if it should be recommended. Please keep in mind that not all episodes will be recommended and there are a number of factors that determine whether or not the staff recommends your episode. When we say
staff, in this case, we're talking about multiple teams that work on the network. It's not just one team on the podcast network. It's not the podcaster relations team. That does this solely. We may look into your episode, but we may not determined that it needs to be
recommended because of the factors it might not meet. If you have a highlighted episode, and you want more people to see it you are welcome to log into the my podcast or portal and click on highlighted episodes. You will be able to highlight one episode at a time. However, please keep in mind that you must be on the professional level. In order to do that. The free podcasts are not eligible for the highlighted podcast feature.[p]
If you determine that your podcast is not appearing under the right category, reach out to the podcast and relations team. We will definitely look into your request to change an episode into a specific category or determine why it would not appear in that category. Please keep in mind that all podcast episodes appear in the same category as its podcast as their podcast. We cannot change a category for an episode if the podcast itself is not in that episode. This is the rule, not the exception, because we want to be consistent with our categories across all podcasts.[p]
Your latest episode is not showing up on the home page
Because some people just released a new podcast episode, it doesn't mean it will show up on the home page as the latest episode. If you find that your podcast episode just came out within the last 24 hours and you do not find it on the homepage, definitely feel free to reach out to the podcaster Relations team, but before you do, we want to highlight some of the troubleshooting and reasons why this might happen. First of all, the New York City podcast network receives anywhere from 30 to 40 new podcast episodes every single day, because we have almost 1,000 podcasts on our network receiving that many new episodes a day is normal. Every podcast episode is published on the homepage by the timestamp down to the second so if your podcast episode just came out at one o'clock in the morning for example, and six other podcast episodes were released between 5am and 7am. Those episodes will show up before yours. This of course is just an example. And we're not saying that your podcast episode always comes out at one o'clock in the morning.[p]
We also only show the latest 50 episodes on our homepage. And every once in a while we get more than that within a 24 hour period. It is just the trend of a specific day for podcast episodes that come out. We do find that podcast episodes released on the weekends are almost double what they released during the week. So it's possible that your podcast episode might not show up at all on the homepage. You can look into different sections on the homepage.[p]
If your podcast was released as one of the latest five podcasts that will show up in the very top of the homepage. Underneath the sponsored podcast section, we show 45 more of the latest episodes. So if you don't find your podcast episode on the top section, you can look under the last section on the homepage. And you might find it there. If you do not find your latest podcast episode at all, you're more than welcome to reach out to the podcast. Relations team who will tell you how many podcast episodes were the least since yours, and this might be the reason they will definitely tell you and they'll look into it.[p]
This might take a little bit longer and that might take within 24 hours, but you'll have your answer. Also in rare cases. The podcaster relations team can adjust your timestamp so that it shows up higher on the homepage. We don't do this very often. We only do it in extreme circumstances. And II each request has to be examined and discussed with the team. Because if we did this for every podcaster it wouldn't be fair to the podcasting community. You are more than welcome to request this from the podcasting relations team. But it might not be taken care of for the reasons we just listed. Also, only the professional level podcasts show up on the homepage. So if your podcast episode was just released within the last 24 hours, but you're on the free level, your podcast will not be showing you're still welcome to reach out to our team regardless even if you're free on the free level.[p]