How To Promote Your Podcast On The New Podcaster Social Network On The World Podcast Network

Founder of the World Podcast Network
This article explains how to promote your podcast using the new podcast social network. Social media is everywhere, but there is no social network for specifically for podcasters. It has become the main marketing method overtaking email marketing. Podcasters are on every social network as well and promote their episodes on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and LinkedIn. There are others including Pinterest and X, but the first social networks are the most popular for podcasts and podcasters. Question and answer sites like Reddit and Quora are also popular. Podcasters use these sites as well.

Key Takeaways

The World Podcast Network now provides the way for podcasters to promote their podcasts easily using the traditional likes and comments like Facebook and Instagram as well as a new way for podcasters to answer questions offering their advice and expertise, just like Reddit and Quora. Podcaster simply log into the My Podcast portal on the World Podcast Network and then visit any podcast profile on the World Podcast Network's Podcast Directory to leave comments and like a podcast. In this blog post, we will explain in detail how to get likes and comments for your podcast as well as how to offer your advice to other podcasters through the Podcast Expertise section.

How To Get Social Media Likes For Your Podcast?

You can simply have your audience members come to your podcast profile page on the World Podcast Network and click the heart icon under the podcast title. That's it. Your audience members must be logged in to like a podcast and they can sign up for free. Getting likes is as simple as clicking the heart icon. The likes update every hour, so they will take some time to show. The number of likes temporarily increases after the heart is clicked and the podcast is liked. The more likes a podcast has on the World Podcast Network, the more popular they are and this also raises your rankings in the podcast network leaderboard / top podcasts. Just as social media rank some posts by the number of likes, the leaderboard does as well.

How Can Podcasts Get Social Media Comments On The Podcast?

Comments are a popular feature of all social networks. Every social network has a commenting feature which is available for posts. On the World Podcast Network, comments are currently available for each podcast. On the podcast profile page, a comment form is available on the left side (as of this writing). Again, people who comment on your podcast must be logged in. Once they are, they can rate the podcast from 1 to 5 stars and add a comment of up to 250 characters (this limit may change in the future). The more comments a podcaster receives, the higher their rankings on the World Podcast Network leaderboard. You can tell your podcast audience that commenting is available and provide the link to your podcast profile. Once your subscribers sign up and log in (for free), they can leave the comments and your rating on your profile.

How to Show Your Podcasting Expertise: The Question and Answers

The new Expert Podcasting Advice section provides advice from podcasters who are active members of the World Podcast Network. This is the Quora and Reddit of the podcasting world.  All podcasters can log into the My Podcast portal and click on Podcaster Social Network and then on "Your Expertise". There are several questions on various topics that podcasters can answer. Once they answer those questions, they will appear on the Expert Podcasting Advice section. New questions are added every month and can readily be answered.

Other Social Media Marketing Strategies For Podcasters

Social media would be nothing without analytics. That is why the World Podcast Network offers advanced analytics on episode downloads, profile views, popular episodes, cities where podcast subscribers come from and more. When podcasters log into the My Podcast portal, they can go to view these statistics. The World Podcast Network is one of the only podcast networks that offers detailed podcast analytics.

How To Find Suitable Guests For Your Podcast in 2025

For podcasters looking for guests, they can visit the World Podcast Network Guest Exchange, view guest profiles, search for guests which are suitable for their show and contact them on social media. Podcasters can read the bio of each guest and click on the social media link. The World Podcast Network leverages the current social networks as a way of directly contacting guests for their podcasts.

Virtual Podcast Stock Market

Podcasters can now participate in the Virtual Podcast Stock Market at Thevirtual stock market is a way for podcasters to give their subscribers a new way to have fun with their podcasts. This is totally free for both podcasters and subscribers. People can purchase virtual stock with play money, not real money, so there is no risk at all to anyone. The currency used is a worldwide virtual currency created by the World Podcast Network called "Pvm" which stands for Virtual Podcast Money. Every virtual trader gets 50,000 pvm while trading and people can learn to trade stocks without risking their own money.
Author Of This Blog
Bruce Chamoff
About Bruce Chamoff
Bruce is a visionary and the founder for the World Podcast Network. He founded the World Podcast Network in 2005 and has been responsible for its success ever since. He is also a musician and songwriter with 7 albums and 27 singles. As the host of Become A Successful Podcaster, Bruce has helped new and seasoned podcasters grow their shows and find success in both monetization and audience growth.

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