How The Guest Exchange Works For Podcasters And Guests

Founder of the World Podcast Network
How the guest exchange works for podcasters and guests. The guest exchange was built as a way to provide podcasters a resource to find suitable guests for their show, as well as a place for business owners, entrepreneurs and other podcast guests to find suitable podcasts in their category. An example of a category would be business, technology, or even cryptocurrency.  We have 12 categories of podcasts and guests. When you click on the guest profile, you will see the categories for which each guest is available. For example, if you have a health and wellness podcast and you're looking for doctors, nurses, medical experts or anybody in the health and wellness field, you will be able to see that on the  profile of the guest. There is also a category page on which to search guests with the same 12 categories. The guest exchange is a feature that was requested by our podcaster community and was built specifically for the podcasters as a one-stop shop without having to search the internet or other guest directories. The home page of the guest exchange shows headshots of our featured guests. Featured guests appear randomly in random order. You can view different featured guests by refreshing the home page of the guest exchange. This gives you a fresh perspective on guests for you to interview.  When you click on the guest’s headshot, you can read the full bio of the guest as well as their contact information to enable you to invite them to be interviewed on your podcast. We provide the social media icon so you can contact those guests on social media. Some guests do not have email addresses in the system so they would have to be contacted using that method. Once you contact the guest we will send that guest an email unless you contacted them on their social media profiles like Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. Your email will go out to the guest, but you won't receive a copy. We don't want to spam everybody so we send the email to the guests first ,and if they are interested and respond favorably, we will contact you.  Inviting guests through the World Podcast Network portal Guests are able to be seen after logging into your podcast portal. Simply click on Find Guests and you will be able to find guests in your category. We also will give you an option to find guests in other categories. You will be able to contact the guests directly from the portal after you log in. You will also be able to find them on social media. Just click on the social media link that shows up when you click on your guest. If you are not ready to invite that guest to be on your podcast, you will be able to save the guest and retrieve that guest at a later date. This feature is only available to podcasters on the professional level. You will also be able to see your guest invitations and follow up when you want. You can find further instructions in my podcast portal. Please let us know when you interview a guest by emailing us on the World Podcast Network contact form. This way we can keep track of which guest is on each podcast.  Guest connection invitations from the Guest Relations team Our guest relations team finds guests for podcasters that are on the professional level.  If we match you up with a guest, you will receive an email notification. You will need to respond to the email and let the team know if you want to accept or reject this guest. If you accept, we will let the guests know that you want to interview them. You will be able to see the guest connections that we have set up for you. The guest will not know if they are rejected. If you don't want to receive guest notifications or find guests to interview, you can mark that in the my podcast portal and you will not get any emails connecting you to guests In conclusion, we appreciate all the support you can give to the World Podcast network, our Guest Exchange team, and our guests community. The guests are here to find podcasts just like yours. We encourage you to use the guest exchange.  I hope this article helps you navigate a guest exchange and how to find guests and accept or reject invitations coming from them or the World Podcast Network Guest Relations team. Feel free to contact us on the World Podcast Network contact form. Our team is ready and willing to help with any questions you may have.   
Author Of This Blog
Bruce Chamoff
About Bruce Chamoff
Bruce is a visionary and the founder for the World Podcast Network. He founded the World Podcast Network in 2005 and has been responsible for its success ever since. He is also a musician and songwriter with 7 albums and 27 singles. As the host of Become A Successful Podcaster, Bruce has helped new and seasoned podcasters grow their shows and find success in both monetization and audience growth.

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