How To Get Your First 1000 Listeners For Your Podcast

In this article, I will show you how to get 1,000 subscribers for your new podcast.
I'm very happy to see that you want to grow your podcast audience. 1,000 podcast listeners is a really great milestone and I'm going to show you how to do it in this article. If you just started your podcast this year or you've been podcasting for years and you just can't seem to grow your audience, I'm going to show you how to get 1,000 listeners very quickly.
Key Takeaways
- 1. Do your research on successful podcasts
- 2. Plan your first 10 episodes before recording
- 3. Invest in good podcasting equipment
- 4. Use a quality audio editing tool
- 5. Decide between audio-only or video podcasting
- 6. Choose a reputable podcast hosting platform
- 7. Utilize social media for marketing
- 8. Optimize your podcast for search engines
1 Do your research first of the most successful shows
To start, it's a great idea to search on Google which podcasts are similar to the theme as the same category as yours.
Look at all the shows that are coming up in your genre and your theme on streaming platforms like Apple or Spotify. I also suggest listening to a few episodes of each of those shows so you get an idea of what makes them successful. You can picture yourself as that particular podcaster and how he or she talks to the audience.
Take note of everything from:
- the mood of the actual host
- the content
- the episode titles
Did those episode titles are getting thousands of downloads, They might not be a bad idea for your show. These are just titles. You will make the actual audio and video content your own. You can vary the title as well.
2. How To Plan Your First 10 Episodes Before You Even Start Recording
This is a very important step for a lot of reasons, including quality as well as your content. I have found in my podcast that if I don't have at least 5 to 10 episodes already planned, I end up podcasting aimlessly and then create episodes that don't make any sense. You can simply enter your episode titles into Google Docs.
Take note of your order and rearrange that order so it makes sense to you before you start recording your first episode. Now at this point you would have an actual plan that will save you months of time and also to avoid burnout which causes a lot of podcasters to stop and retire the show.
3. Acquire your podcasting equipment.
The first thing you need in your podcasting toolbox is a really good microphone. It's not a good idea to record episodes from your smartphone as the sound quality might not be as good. You want your show to sound professional and a good microphone is the key. I use Samson. It's a great brand and I actually have five of them for my co-hosts and my guests.
An optional piece of equipment can be a podcasting arm. These structures hold your microphone straight as you record your Episodes. They also look really nice and professional when somebody walks into your home.
Should you use a podcast studio to record your podcast?
I did say that they're optional but I only mean that For audio podcasts. If you have a video podcast, then I strongly recommend having a podcast arm to hold your microphone in place. It also looks more professional on your videos.
4 Download a good audio editing tool.
In my previous blog post, I suggest Audacity. It's free and it works really well. It's also the most popular editing software podcast. Using it, you can easily cut out issues like filler words which are “um” and other words that your audience might not want to hear.
What's the best free podcast auditing software?
Audacity also comes with noise editing, including noise reduction and gate. Those cut out the background noise as well as mouth clicks and other types of background noises that you don't want on your final audio. Your audience will pick up the noise if it's not edited out.
5 Decide if you want to just podcast with audio or if you want a video show on YouTube
What is better for a podcast? Video or audio?
The answer is to have both if you have the time. Since YouTube is the most popular video-serving website on the internet, having a video podcast is a great idea. If you don't have time to produce a video, you can simply create an audio podcast and get it on to one of the popular hosting platforms for podcasts.
6 Sign up with a reputable podcast hosting platform
What are the most popular podcast hosting platforms?
The four top podcast hosting platforms are Buzzsprout, Anchor, and Libsyn, a notable mention is Podbean. These four hosting platforms have reliable storage space for new podcasts and affordable prices.
I actually used anchor for my podcast particularly. They are owned by Spotify and automatically distribute your podcast on to Spotify itself so you know that you get immediate distribution for your podcast and its episodes.
A lot of the shows on a World Podcast Network also use Buzzsprout. They're one of the popular ones as well an account for 18% of the podcast on the World Podcast Network.
This is one of the original podcast hosting platforms. I used them for my podcast originally in 2006 when I first launched the podcast called Fresh Music Series. They were a very basic platform at the time and have now evolved to compete with the other platforms as well.
7 Look into two social networks and do your social media marketing research
This is a step that's omitted by a lot of beginning podcasters. Success depends on where your particular audience lives on social media.
What are the most popular social networks for promoting podcasts?
The four most popular networks are Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and LinkedIn. Each of those networks caters to a different group of individuals. The key to deciding your best social network is to do marketing research and find out where your potential audience members visit the most often.
8 Learn about search engine optimization for podcasts
How do I optimize my podcast for good search engine rankings?
This is another important step left out by a lot of podcasters. SEO or search engine optimization is a very important step in promoting not just websites but also podcasts. The answer is to follow the normal guidelines for optimizing your website. Just as you optimize your website for the right keywords, backlinks, and even competitors, The same methods apply to your podcast.
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