The New Podcast Leaderboard Rankings Article Now Including Podcast Guest Exchange Interviews

Founder of the World Podcast Network
This article is an update on the previous blog post on how to launch and rank on the podcast network leaderboard. As most podcasters on the podcast network know, the daily leaderboard is a way of ranking podcasts among everybody else's. The leaderboard rankings come in different weights and requirements in order to rise on the leaderboard. It is updated daily. The leaderboard is updated automatically every single day based on certain milestones and activities performed by all podcasts on the World Podcast Network.

The Newest Requirement: Guest Interviews From Podcasters

The newest requirement on the leaderboard is the ability to now interview podcast guests from our new podcast guest exchange which currently has over 120 guests available and who are ready to interview on podcasts. They are on the podcast network to meet podcasters who will interview them and your podcast might also be looking for a particular guest. It is a win-win situation. The new guest exchange features up to 10 of featured guests as of this writing and then presents the entire directory of guests. Featured guests rotate each week. The question is how do you actually invite a guest onto your podcast? You simply log into the My Podcast portal. On the left side of the portal, there is a new menu item to invite guests and you can invite them as often as you like. When you invite a guest and report an interview with them, you can log back into the My Podcast portal and add the guest interview to your screen. At that point, our Guests Relations team will receive a notification that you have submitted an interview and the team will review your interview with the podcaster with the guests.  Once the Guest Relations Team verifies your interview with the podcast guest, your podcast will rise on the leaderboard. Guest interviews will help your podcast remain high in the rankings of the leaderboard for one week. In that case, we appreciate you interviewing guests from the exchange at least twice every month. The leaderboard, and the guest, will thank you for it.

Rankings will help your podcast rise in the rankings besides everything else.

For more information, you can visit the NEW podcast guest exchange to check out the cool guest community. Other ways of ranking on the leaderboard and as always, are the votes. When you get people to vote your podcast up!

Your Podcast can rise in the rankings.

We've made it easy for podcasts when they receive votes to rise. Your audience members just arrive at your podcast profile page with all your episodes. Then, each episode can be voted up by the purple link. What will happen at that point is your podcast episode’s vote will be registered and bring your show one step closer to rising in the the rankings.

Other ways of ranking on the leaderboard include the leaderboard, the podcast portal login when you log into the my podcast portal.

The portal has been available since March of 2023 and the leaderboard now keeps track of all the logins from every single podcaster. The more logins a podcaster has, (one login registering every day the higher your podcast will rise and the leaderboard).

News submissions by podcasts. 

Simply put, news submission also rises in the leaderboards. The more news items you submit that are published, the higher up your show rises in the leaderboard. Our news section is being redesigned at the end of January 2024, so we welcome all new submissions from podcasters. Any news submissions that are approved will help your podcast rise in leaderboards.

Host-read ads.

Host-read ads are advertisements that are read from our sponsors by podcasters in their episodes. They can be 30 to 60 second recordings. We welcome one host-read ad per episode. There is no limit to the host-read ads you can include. Every ad that's approved will add weight to your rankings for your podcast on the leaderboard.

Podsafe Music 

The more podsafe music you play on your episodes, the more we help you rise in the rankings. We have signed on musicians who are unsigned and they can use all the help they can get for their wonderful music. Most of the musicians are talented songwriters and producers and we welcome multiple genres. We include every genre of music from hip hop to rock to metal to country to jazz and more. 

Professional-Level Podcasts

If you're a professional-level podcast, we also will give you a boost on the rankings as well.

In conclusion:

The more rankings you have combined for everything in the leaderboard mentioned above in this blog post, the higher you will rise every day on the leaderboard. The leaderboard changes every single day, so it's best to accomplish all of these items as much as possible.  
Author Of This Blog
Bruce Chamoff
About Bruce Chamoff
Bruce is a visionary and the founder for the World Podcast Network. He founded the World Podcast Network in 2005 and has been responsible for its success ever since. He is also a musician and songwriter with 7 albums and 27 singles. As the host of Become A Successful Podcaster, Bruce has helped new and seasoned podcasters grow their shows and find success in both monetization and audience growth.

Also read blog posts from the past 6 months for podcasters

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