This blog post explains the brand new LIKE system that we just launched on Monday, January 16 2023. The New York City Podcast Network will be branded as the World Podcast Network in Spring of 2023. Before we do that, we want to make our podcast network a total social network for podcasters as well as podcast subscribers.
Most podcast networks only offer a podcast directory, which may or may not list the episodes of each podcast out daily as they get published. However, the New York City podcast network shows every single episode that comes out every 24 hours, which puts us above the rest of most podcast networks that are out there. We're not happy with just showing episodes as well as the podcast directory itself.
A Review of the New "My Podcast Portal" To Help Manage and Promote Your Podcast
We want to make this podcast network a total social network where people actually log in. They log into a new portal that we launched back in November 2022. When podcasters log in, they will be able to
manage their podcast completely including everything from:
- their podcast information including its description
- its title
- streaming platforms
- including Spotify, Apple podcast, Google podcast, Stitcher
- highlighted episode
- view your podcast episode analytics
- watch podcaster success videos
- get podcaster resources
In addition to that, our portal now offers analytics, because we collect data on everything from listeners to views and now our new LIKE system. In addition to collecting the data for everything that goes on on your podcast, while on our network, we also keep track of everything you do on the network so you can see exactly when you've completed it, including:
- logging into the portal
- viewing your analytics
- the other podcasts you liked
- applied for paid ads
- monetization opportunities
A TL/DR Summary of the New LIKEs System
We do not only strive to be the biggest podcast in the network in the world; we also strive to be the most interactive podcast network in the world. With that, we introduce our new LIKE system. The LIKE system will completely make our podcast network a social true network. There are two components to it:
- the heart icon on the podcast profile allowing others to like YOUR podcast
- the podcasts you have liked (as viewed on the portal)
This article explains exactly how to use the new LIKEs system to help you promote your podcast and find new audience members. We are going to start with your podcast profile page. Everybody who comes to your podcast profile page on our podcast network will see a brand new heart icon

. The heart icon appears underneath the podcast thumbnail and before the title. When people click on this heart, they will be able to add your podcast to their LIKEs. They will basically be following you and those podcast likes will appear in the episode list in the portal when people log into the portal. We will talk about the
portal shortly and how it integrates your liked podcasts.
The Podcast Like Heart Icon
This heart icon gives podcasters a chance to find new audience members and to allow audience members to listen to their episodes. Specifically, there are over 850 podcasts on our network. Right now. We understand that most podcast subscribers do not want to subscribe to every single podcast on the network. This is where the new LIKEs system comes in. When you add a podcast to your likes after clicking on the heart icon, what happens is that it shows up on the
portal when you log in. Likewise, the podcaster themselves will see how many likes they have and this is an amazing way for us to connect podcasters with each other. Our next phase will be to allow people who do not have a podcast to also like your podcast as well when they click on that heart icon. Currently, the New York City Podcast Network social network is specifically for podcasters themselves and will soon be for podcast subscribers who do not have their own podcast, but releasing this for podcasters is still a step in the right direction to making the podcast network a complete social network as a way for you to find new subscribers and audience members. We hope you will use this system to your advantage. Now, if you are already logged into the portal after clicking on the heart icon, you will see right away that the podcast you liked is added to your LIKEs list. When you click on this page called "podcast likes", you will see podcast episodes filtered to the ones you've only liked. This allows you to follow only those podcasts that you're interested in, but it's also a way to help promote your podcast to other podcasters.
[caption id="attachment_51386" align="aligncenter" width="1134"]

Click the heart icon under any podcast logo to add it to your likes.[/caption]
The Leaderboard Is Also Improving As a Result of the LIKEs
As a podcast network, we believe in bringing podcasters together and not keeping them segregated. It is a great step for most podcast networks and it's also going to count on the leaderboard as well. The leaderboard is going to reflect how many likes you have, so it's definitely a great way to connect with other podcasters on our podcast network.
Let's take my podcast, for example.
Become a Successful Podcaster and With Bruce Chamoff. You are interested in learning how to succeed with your podcast and grow your audience. Therefore, you might be interested in subscribing to my podcast. When you come to my podcast profile, you'll see the heart icon and that heart also includes a little plus sign. That button allows you to add my podcast to your likes. Then, when you log into the portal, you'll see only my episodes as well as the episodes of those podcasts you have already liked. You also have the option of logging in to the podcast portal and unliking (unfollowing) a podcast. If you change your mind, we give you the total of freedom to subscribe to any podcast you want through the likes icon as well as unsubscribe to them.
You can also unsubscribe to podcasts
Unsubscribing is as easy as clicking the unlike button. When you click the "Unlike" button, you will no longer be subscribed to that podcast and you will not see its episodes unless you specifically go to the podcast page. If you change your mind, you can still like the podcast after the fact.[p]
You Can Also View The People Who Liked Your Podcast
On the flip side, you probably also want to see how many other people have subscribed and liked your podcast. When you log into the portal's dashboard, you will see the number of likes you have. Hence, you will see exactly how many people have liked your podcast (clicking the heart icon). Since this also contributes to your rankings on the leaderboard, it is a good thing to get as many likes as you can, especially once we open this up to all of the non-podcast subscribers. It is an extraordinary way to give back to all the podcasters who have made our podcast network a total success. We are going to keep releasing brand new features to help your podcast be the best it can be and get the most exposure.
The New Likes System Helps Filter In The Podcasts You Love the Care About The Most
Now, when you log into the portal, all you need to do is click on the "My Podcast Likes" link. When you click on that link, you will see several sections.
The Podcasts You Like
First, you'll see the different podcasts that you already liked. Underneath, you see the feed of podcast episodes from the liked ones.
Your Personal Podcast Episode Feed
Underneath the podcast section, you will see a feed of all the podcast episodes in the order which they were released starting from the most recent all the way to the earliest episodes. This way, you'll be able to filter out any podcast episode to the ones you've only liked. This is an amazing way for us to serve as a social network. You can always get other podcasters to like you and you can reciprocate just by clicking on that little heart button. We think that this is going to give you the exposure you deserve, so if you have any questions, you can send us an message on our contact form. We'll be glad to get back to you if you have any questions about how the like system works as well as how to use it or if there are any issues. Please do not forget to register for
PodKnow 2023, our annual online podcasting conference. that has over 10 speakers. Thank you and we look forward to hearing the feedback that you have on our new life system.[p]