5 Ways How Podcasters Can Promote Their Shows And Podcast Episodes On Tiktok In 2025

Founder of the World Podcast Network
This article is on how TikTok's return allows podcasters to promote their shows and podcast episodes on TikTok in 2025. This affects mostly podcasters around the United States. As most podcasters know, TikTok was banned under President Joe Biden's administration and returned immediately following the inauguration of President Donald Trump. TikTok was down for 19 hours on Sunday, January 19th. Shortly after the completion of President Trump's inauguration, it was immediately available to all users in the United States. The CEO of ByteDance, Liang Rubo, the owner of TikTok, even attended President Trump's inauguration ceremony. All podcasters who use the platform are now thanking President Trump. Before the return of TikTok, most podcasters were NOT on TikTok. We surveyed selected podcasters on the Professional level of the World Podcast Network to see if they were on TikTok and using it to promote their podcasts. Their social networks of choice were Instagram and LinkedIn. Facebook, TikTok, and even X (formerly Twitter) were not even mentioned by 90% of our podcasters surveyed. Now, with the rush of Americans to jump on the TikTok bandwagon, we are seeing the platform become more of a podcast promotion medium.   TikTok is usually a platform for people to express themselves through videos of them ranting, raving, and jumping around, playing musical instruments, dancing, and doing other exciting activities that are fun to watch. Now, TikTok is definitely becoming a top social network for podcasters. Podcasters have reported to us while it was banned that if it returned, they would jump on it. We could not be happier. Good luck to all the podcasters who are now on the popular platform!

Will TikTok Compete With Instagram As A Top Podcasting Platform?

This remains to be seen as Instagram is still the #1 platform for podcasters and podcast networks. Podcast episodes are distributed as regular Instagram posts. Podcasters like Reena Friedman Watts of the Better Call Daddy podcast also uses Instagram Live to interview her guests and I am an avid subscriber both to her Instagram Live and audio podcast. LinkedIn is still a big platform for podcasters too. When we asked why podcasters were not on TikTok, most indicated that it was not a business-like platform for podcasters, but everything changed on Monday, January 20, 2025. I do believe that TikTok will overtake Instagram in the near future. I wonder what Meta will do to compete back against TikTok. It is too early to tell right now, but I will keep you updated as time progresses in the next coming months.

I just joined TikTok yesterday, Tuesday, January 21, 2025.

I checked out TikTok's video controls and finally jumped on it myself.  My profile on TikTok has not been up for 24 hours yet, so it has a very low follower count, but you have to start somewhere. I am promoting my music and not myself as a podcaster. You can follow me at https://www.tiktok.com/@worldpodcastnetwo?_t=ZT-8tHR5LyqyKY&_r=1 I immediately noticed one interesting thing and I am sure a lot of you reading this know already, but I just found out. TikTok's video controls are similar, almost identical, to Instagram's. It is also identical to YouTube's controls for video shorts. If you are one of the podcasters who have not yet been on TikTok, but you have been on Instagram, creating videos will be easy since you are probably already familiar with Instagram's controls. Everything from text font/color, stickers, song selection (and a lot of Bruce Chamoff music is already on it), editing tools are very similar. If you have a large following on Instagram, it may be easy to port them over to TikTok with a couple of Instagram posts.

5 Ways How Podcasters Can Promote Their Shows and Podcast Episodes On TikTok

I explain the 5 ways how podcasters can promote their shows and podcast episodes on TikTok is included in this section. As always, the number one tip is to post consistently each week and at the same time and day. This is also a big tip for YouTube promotion and Instagram. Posting the same days of the week and times will allow more people to expect your episodes and then listen and watch, if you have a video podcast. TikTok seems to have an off selection of the video length. You can choose 15 seconds, 30 seconds, 60 seconds, and 10 minutes. What I find odd is the big jump from 60 seconds to 10 minutes with no other time lengths in between. I think that gap should be shortened somewhat. What if I wanted to post 2-minute video or a 5-minute TikTok video. Doesn't look like I can yet. This is important because we can put an entire podcast episode on TikTok and most podcasters have an average video podcast length of 30 to 45 minutes. That is what I see on the World Podcast Network. My music videos average around 2 minutes and 45 seconds so I would love for both YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok to provide those time lengths for both musicians and podcasters alike.

Let's get back to how podcasters can promote their shows and episodes on TikTok.

  1. Podcast Guest Interviews: I do notice that episodes with podcast guests are popular on this platform, so if you have a podcast guest, TikTok would be perfect for you.
  2. Ranting and Raving Podcast Episodes: Yes, I see a lot of those too, so since the platform is so huge for rants and people dancing around, you can post your podcast episode of you dancing, at least once in a while if you don't mind selling out every once in a while, but I understand most people will not do that. It's just a suggestion from what I see others without podcasts doing.
  3. Dancing To Music: Yes, I have seen podcasters do this. It is fun to watch and since TikTok is so big and popular on this performance type, why shouldn't your subscribers see you having fun. I do admit that after listening to some podcasts, some can be boring. Playing podsafe music and dancing can break up the boredom for your subscribers.
  4. Branding for yourself as a podcaster: You don't just need to promote your podcast. You need to brand yourself. Just as YouTubers have a brand, podcasters need one too. TikTok seems like the perfect platform for this.
  5. Have a video short for your podcast episodes: I have seen podcasters do this via YouTube shorts and Instagram stories. Podcasters have this as open as well on TikTok. Add a story for each episode. It stays up for 24 hours.

Conclusion on How Podcasters Can Promote Their Shows on TikTok

As you can see from my own viewpoint, TikTok is here to stay and it will not be banned again, probably. President Trump also has created a partnership with ByteDance to own half of this platform, so I am interested to see where this will lead to in the near and distant future.
Author Of This Blog
Bruce Chamoff
About Bruce Chamoff
Bruce is a visionary and the founder for the World Podcast Network. He founded the World Podcast Network in 2005 and has been responsible for its success ever since. He is also a musician and songwriter with 7 albums and 27 singles. As the host of Become A Successful Podcaster, Bruce has helped new and seasoned podcasters grow their shows and find success in both monetization and audience growth.

Also read blog posts from the past 6 months for podcasters

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