How To Make Money Podcasting In 2025

Founder of the World Podcast Network
If you want to make money podcasting in 2025, this is a great monetization opportunity for all podcasters. Making money podcasting is hard for most podcasters since they spend time writing scripts, recording their episodes, branding, doing social media marketing for their podcast and more. Making money with your podcast is the last thing podcasters think of, but the most sought benefit of podcasting. Click here to see how to make $20.00 USD for playing one podsafe song on your podcast to your subscribers.  Most monetization opportunities do not pay anywhere near $20 in one activity. It takes a lot of work for most podcasters. It also takes months and for most podcasters, years. Not everyone can make one million dollars from Spotify like Joe Rogan. Most monetization opportunities such as affiliate programs pay pennies on the dollar.

Making Money Podcasting With Affiliate Programs

You can make money podcasting on affiliate programs from companies like Commission Junction and Rakutan. Famous retail chains are listed and you can sell their products that resonate with your podcast audience. Even Amazon has an affiliate program.  The problem is that not all affiliate programs work well and pay an average of 5%. That means for an average $20 product, you can only make $1.00. There are also problems with affiliate programs where they do not track your sales well and that means lost money for you. Affiliate programs, as popular as they are, are not a reliable to make a living podcasting unless you have thousands of subscribers and streams on your podcast.

Make Money Podcasting By Playing Bruce Chamoff Music On Your Podcast in 2025

Please read this entire article to learn how to earn $20.00 USD for playing one song on your podcast to your listeners. Not all podcasts are eligible. You can play any song from Bruce Chamoff listed on his This Is Bruce Chamoff Spotify playlist. Please Note: Your podcast must first be approved by the World Podcast Network podcaster relations team to play a Bruce Chamoff single on your podcast to your listeners. You may not play the song without first being approved. You also need to be a member of the World Podcast Network and can sign up your podcast for free at

Instructions for Signing Up For This Podcast Monetization Opportunity:

First Thing: Listen to Music From Bruce Chamoff Music on Spotify To Decide Which Song You’d Like On Your Podcast

The music of Bruce Chamoff is a combination of pop and rock. There are 20 songs to listen to and play. 
  1. Listen to at least 3 to 5 of the various rock and pop singles on the This Is Bruce Chamoff Spotify playlist.
  2. Decide on which song you'd like to play on your podcast.
  3. Contact us on the World Podcast Network contact form with the following information:
    1. Name of your podcast.
    2. Link to your podcast on Apple or Spotify.
    3. Social media links including Instagram. Tiktok, X, and Facebook are also good social media.
  4. We will visit your podcast and verify it.
  5. If approved, we will send you a special MP3 file to include in your podcast.

How To Make Money Podcasting Playing Music From Bruce Chamoff Music on Spotify

After You Play the Song On Your Podcast and Are Verified by the Podcaster Relations Team:

  1. Log into the My Podcast Portal of the World Podcast Network
  2. Access "My Approved Podsafe Music" on the left toolbar.
  3. Enter the URL of your podcast episode where you play the song.
  4. Enter the timestamp (must be in the first 5 minutes of your episode).
  5. Click Submit.
  6. Allow the Podcaster Relations Team 5 to 7 business days to verify the episode.

Terms and Conditions To Make Money Podcasting

Getting Approved To Make Money Playing Music On Your Podcast

  1. Payment will only be available to podcasters approved by the Podcaster Relations Team. If not approved, the podcaster will not be able to participate in this monetization opportunity.
  2. Only 10 podcasters will be approved for this podsafe music monetization opportunity. The approved podcasters will be published. If your podcast is not on this list, it means you are not yet approved to play the music, but you can apply to be approved.
  3. Each podcaster approved may take advantage of this opportunity only once.
  4. This is open to podcasters who both are a member of the World Podcast Network and are not a member. Member podcasts receive first priority for approval.
  5. If approved, the podcaster will be able to download the MP3 in the My Podcast Portal of the World Podcast Network in the My Approved Podsafe Music section.
  6. Once played, in order to receive compensation, the podcaster must submit the podcast episode for verification and submit an invoice. See Verification section below. Podcasters will be paid through Paypal, so a Paypal invoice is best the fastest way to get paid.
  7. The World Podcast Network podcaster relations team reserves the right to accept or reject a podcaster’s application to play the single for the monetization opportunity for any reason. The World Podcast Network also reserves the right to cancel this program at any time without notice.
  8. This monetization opportunity will only be approved for the podcast owned by the person signing up for this monetization opportunity. 
  9. Podcasts not owned by the person submitting the request will not be approved.
  10. You may not play any song unless first approved by the World Podcast Network podcaster relations team.
  11. Playing music without first being approved for this opportunity does not entitle you to payment without prior approval of this opportunity.
  12. Prior approval for other podsafe music does not automatically approve you to be played for this monetization opportunity. All podcasters must apply to play the music for monetization of this specific opportunity.

Verifying your podcast episode to be paid to make money podcasting playing Bruce Chamoff’s music:

  1. The podcaster will log into the My Approved Podsafe Music section to verify the episode is played on a podcast episode belonging to that podcaster.
  2. The song must be played in the first 5 minutes of your podcast episode. It can start between the 1-minute and 5-minute marks as the latest timestamp in your episode.
  3. Before playing the song, the podcast will need to introduce the song title from Bruce Chamoff and announce that the song can be played on Bruce Chamoff's Spotify playlist.
  4. Once submitted for verification, the podcaster relations team will verify the episode and the song as well as the timestamp.
  5. The introduction of the song must be recited by the podcaster before playing the song. The introduction will be displayed to you on the podsafe page in the My Approved Podsafe Music section.
Author Of This Blog
Bruce Chamoff
About Bruce Chamoff
Bruce is a visionary and the founder for the World Podcast Network. He founded the World Podcast Network in 2005 and has been responsible for its success ever since. He is also a musician and songwriter with 7 albums and 27 singles. As the host of Become A Successful Podcaster, Bruce has helped new and seasoned podcasters grow their shows and find success in both monetization and audience growth.

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